La Roche Percée and La Baie des Tortues are concerned by the Protection of Marine Turtles, species in danger of extinction. As such, the following are strictly prohibited:
- the production of light
- approaching at a distance of less than 10 metres from the animal
- the destruction or removal of eggs and nests
- hunting, fishing
- the introduction of dogs on the sites and during egg laying and emergency periods
- disturb protected animals for photography or sound recording
- the destruction or degradation of egg laying sites.

To respect marine turtles, the ideal is not to come to the beach at night during the breeding season (from November to May)!
All marine ecosystems are under increasing pressure and threats from human activities such as tourism development, overexploitation of resources, pollution and poaching. Among the threatened or endangered species, sea turtles of all species are particularly vulnerable. They are all protected.
Heavy fines of up to 1 million CFP francs are foreseen for any infringement. The fine is doubled when these offences are committed in a protected area. However… La Roche Percée, La Baie des Tortues, Poé, and l’île Verte, are classified as Marine Nature Reserves. As such, public access is regulated.